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Launching of the Program on Innovation for Competitiveness

The President of the Council of Ministers, Dr. Juan Jiménez, launched the second loan operation from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) for science, technology and innovation on December 19, 2012 at the Presidential Palace in Lima. The Ministers of Education, Patricia Salas, t Production, Gladys

Canada Governor’s General Visit Medallion

During the first visit of the Canadian Head of State (Governor General) to Peru several medals were awarded to citizens that had forged strong links between Peru and Canada. I had the privilege of receiving from Governor General David Johnston one of the eight medals

Workshop on the history of COLCIENCIAS

n August 2012 I took part in the workshop organized by the Colombian Observatory on Science and Technology to review several reports on the history of COLCIENCIAS, the science and technology council. During the seminar the newspaper El Espectador interviewed me and a short paper

Seminar on development research and policy

FORO Nacional Internacional, the think tank I am associated with, organized an international seminar on development research and policy, which covered issues related to development financing and cooperation, democratic governance, innovation and environment. To see pictures click here. In addition, during the seminar we launched

Conference on anticipation of futures

In April 2012 I took part in an international conference organized by the Rockefeller Foundation to share experience on how to anticipate futures. This event was part of the “Searchlight” program sponsored by the Rockefeller foundation in ten countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and

Presentations on innovation

In mid-2012 I made three presentations on innovation and development issues. The first was a conference in the event to launch the Innovation Center at the Peruvian Institute of Entrepreneurial Action (IPAE), and to see the video in Spanish click here . The second presentation