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Launching of the Program on Innovation for Competitiveness

The President of the Council of Ministers, Dr. Juan Jiménez, launched the second loan operation from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) for science, technology and innovation on December 19, 2012 at the Presidential Palace in Lima. The Ministers of Education, Patricia Salas, t Production, Gladys Triveño, and Justice, Edda Rivas, were present at the event, which also had the participation of the representative of the IADB, Fidel Jaramillo, and three businessmen and researchers who received support from the first loan operation. In my capacity as Chairman of the Board of the unit in charge of the first loan operation I also took part in the event, and thanked all those who had made it a success. To see photos of the event click here and for a summary of the results of the first loan operation (in Spanish) click here.