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Resignation as Chairman of the Program on Science and Technology

After completing practically all the operations of the Program on Science and Technology (FINCyT 1) at the Office of the Prime Minister, and after the designation of the new chairman of the Board of the Program on Innovation and Competitiveness (FINCyT 2) which will replace it, I tendered my resignation as chairman of the Board of FINCyT 1. During the time I served as chairman (February 2007-December 2009 and November 2011-February 2013) we achieved all the objectives of the program. The success of FINCyT 1 is primarily due to the talent and dedication of its staff, and in particular to its Executive Director, Eng. Dr. Alejandro Afuso. To access the final evaluation report of FINCyT 1 (in Spanish), prepared by the consulting firm INNOVOS, click here.