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Systems thinking and practice

The “Escuela Latinoamericana de Pensamiento y Diseño Sistémico”-ELAPDIS (“Latin American School of Systems Thinking and Design”) invited me to gave three lectures at their third annual international conference, which was held in Huancayo, Peru in November 2011. The themes covered were the origin and evolution

Science and Technology Policy Instruments

The Science and Technology Policy Division of UNESCO, organized an international conference in Paris to launch the “Science and Technology Policy Instruments Global Observatory” (GO-SPIN). I was invited to deliver the opening speech on “Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments: background, situation and prospects”, which

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

The PUCP organized two events I was invited. The first was an international seminar on “Visibility and Access to Scientific Production”, held in September 2011 organized by the Section of Library and Information Science. I made a presentation on “Knowledge as a public good: challenges

Lectures at the Instituto de Empresa (IE)

As part of the International MBA program at the IE I gave an elective course on “Leading in turbulent times: a holistic approach to planning and management in the 21st Century” during the first two weeks of September 2011. The course prospectus can be found

No one knows for sure

IDEELE Magazine, March 21; 2011. Available here (1.582 KB). Link hereí:

The 60 books that every Peruvian must read

In November 2011, when the Peruvian weekly CARETAS celebrated its 60th anniversary, it published the book we edited with Max Hernández and Cristóbal Aljovín with excerpts from the 60 books that we considered necessary to understand the history and current situation of Peru. The book